PV4 第二阶段解谜中期报告 #1

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Per Aspera Ad Astra!

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在 PV4 第一阶段解谜结束后,鹰角于 2024 年 5 月 15 日为成功提交信息的收件人寄出了邮件。




官方放出的无损录音 memo_oracle.b9bb9d.wav

磁带外观上无肉眼可见的特征,磁带录音长度约 6 分钟,分为四个片段,以标题和时间戳开头。其中涉及了前文明计划和源石等基础设定。

  1. the Custodian [看守人] TT 9th March 209 16:29
  2. the Fosterer [养育者] TT 23rd December 228 02:16
  3. the Security [保卫者] TT 16th January 229 09:46
  4. the Lumberer [伐木工] TT

最后一段的具体时间戳缺失,且该段语音中伴有多处女声所念四位英文数字。经过分析,这些数字为十进制 GBC 区位码。

Be aware of yourself, the aim of Originium has been changed, trust AMa-10
Be aware of yourself, the aim of Originium has been changed, trust AMa-10

其中第 11 字符我们推测可能有误,予以更正。




诗歌文本已知分为两种,一种为 单行诗句


经确认,诗句为西班牙语书写,出自智利诗人、1971 年诺贝尔文学奖得主:巴勃罗·聂鲁达 (Pablo Neruda,1904-1973)。本句出自《二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌》(Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada)的第十八首《在这里我爱你》(La Voz Del Poeta)。


Pero la noche llega y comienza a cantarme.

La luna hace girar su rodaje de sueño.

Me miran con tus ojos las estrellas más grandes.

Y como yo te amo, los pinos en el viento,

quieren cantar tu nombre con sus hojas de alambre.






另一种为 诗歌段落


此段同样为聂鲁达所创作,节选自《诗歌》(La poesía)。


y vi de pronto

el cielo


y abierto,


plantaciones palpitantes,

la sombra perforada,


por flechas, fuego y flores,

la noche arrolladora, el universo.










蓝色纸片的另一面为带有黑色不规则图案的 文章片段


通过与其他收到邮件的玩家交流信息,发现每段黑色图案约占纸张版面的七分之一,各个位置的图案均不相同,但每个位置上的图案又有与其对应的黑白互补图案,共计 14 种。



初步拼合纸片可以发现文章主标题为 Lynchpin

n. linchpin 的变体书写

  1. a pin placed transversely through an axle to keep a wheel in position

  2. a person or thing regarded as an essential or coordinating element


同时该单词也出现于 PV4 第一阶段解谜中的网页的磁带图片上:

在明日方舟官网后添加 lynchpin 可以得到网站:https://ak.hypergryph.com/lynchpin

该网站没有特别的线索,其进度来源于 yj 后台。
5 月 16 日初次访问时进度为 15%

17 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 24%,增加了 9%
猜想邮件发货日进度为 7%,第二天增加 8%,第三天增加 9%,以此类推,至23日凌晨将到达 99%。
18 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 33%,增加了 9%
猜想每天都加 9%,则至 25 日凌晨将到达 96%。 19 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 34%,增加了 1%
20 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 35%,增加了 1%
21 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 35%,增加了 0%
22 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 0%,减少了 35%
23 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 4%,增加了 4%
24 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 12%,增加了 8%
25 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 15%,增加了 3%
26 日凌晨 00:00,进度至 24%,增加了 9%
目前已确定所有的进度以 0、4、12、15、24、33、34、35、35 顺序循环



注:右上角图标同时出现在 PV4 第一阶段解谜中,升变文字对应 DM,加上右下角数字对应 01,推测 DM01 为预言家的代号。


经辨认,在拼合完成后纸张上分布的方块图案的宽度有着一定规律,根据条码的排布和起始符终止符我们可以确定该条码为 code49 条码。

将拼合的图片经过仔细比对,我们获得了其对应的 code49 编码。

将 code49 编码,也即各行黑白条的单位宽度解码即可获得答案。由于在互联网上找不到公开的 code49 条码相关的解码工具,我们根据其编码规则编写了 code49 解码工具,现已开源

我们随后基于拼合图像确定 code49 编码内容,使用上述解码工具识别得到:OVERCONTACT BINARY,共享包层双星

图片来源:W Ursae Majoris variable - Wikipedia
图片来源:W Ursae Majoris variable - Wikipedia

相接双星 是天文学中伴星与主星非常接近,共享一个互相接触或合并的气体包层的联星系统。共享包层的联星系统也称为 overcontact或共享包层联星。 几乎所有已知的相接双星都是食联星,这类食相接双星称为大熊座 W 变星,其原型为大熊座 W。(来自维基百科-相接双星)


WARN: This is a rough translation of the Chinese version, if there is any ambiguity, please refer to the Chinese version!

Phase 1 Report (zh-cn)

After the end of Phase 1 of pv4 puzzle, Hypergryph (short for hg below) shipped the mail on May 15th, 2024, to who successfully summit their infomation.
The mail contains: a cassette, a blue card.


Source: Team Future
Source: Team Future

Cassette Record & Subtitle File (zh-cn), Translated Text (en-us) on Terra Wiki。

Official lossless wave audio memo_oracle.b9bb9d.wav

There’s no visible feature on the exterior of the cassette. The 6-min record contains 4 parts begin with title and timestamp, involving pre-civilization projects and originium.

  1. the Custodian TT 9th March 209 16:29
  2. the Fosterer TT 23rd December 228 02:16
  3. the Security TT 16th January 229 09:46
  4. the Lumberer TT

The timestamp of final part is missig, while there are multiple 4-digit numbers read by woman in this part. We figured out they are GBC encoding in decimal.

Be aware of yourself, the aim of Originium has been changed, trust AMa-10
Be aware of yourself, the aim of Originium has been changed, trust AMa-10

We assumed there’s error at the 11th character and correct it.

Blue Card

Along with the cassette there’s a blue card with both side printed: one side with poem and another with article snippet covered with black patterns.

Poem side

There are two known type of poem, first one is single line poem.

Source: Team Future
Source: Team Future

We found it was written in Spanish by Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Chilean poet, Nobel Prize winner in 1971. This line came from La Voz Del Poeta, the 18th poem in Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada.

Pero la noche llega y comienza a cantarme.

La luna hace girar su rodaje de sueño.

Me miran con tus ojos las estrellas más grandes.

Y como yo te amo, los pinos en el viento,

quieren cantar tu nombre con sus hojas de alambre.

Another type is poem section:

Source: @云间卷书
Source: @云间卷书

Also by Pablo Neruda, in La poesía.

y vi de pronto

el cielo


y abierto,


plantaciones palpitantes,

la sombra perforada,


por flechas, fuego y flores,

la noche arrolladora, el universo.

Not clear if there’s third type of poem.

Article Snippet Side

The other side of blue card is article snippet covered with black patterns:

Source: Team Future
Source: Team Future

After communicating with other receivers, we found each snippet taken one seventh area of the card, the black pattern is differed by position, and each position has two type of complementary black battern. Totally there are 7 x 2 = 14 types of snippets.

Lynchpin of Substantia grise

The complete article can be found by assembled all types of snippets together, here we collected the clues from receivers and recognized the full articles. Thanks to receivers that sharing clues with us!

We found the title of article is Lynchpin:

n. variation of linchpin

  1. a pin placed transversely through an axle to keep a wheel in position
  2. a person or thing regarded as an essential or coordinating element

(from Collins)

This word also appeared in the cassette image in Phase 1 puzzle website.

Append lynchpin to the official site of arknight we got: https://ak.hypergryph.com/lynchpin

There aren’t any clues found in this website, the progress come from the backend of hg.

The progress reached 15% at first visit on May 16th.

The progress reached 24% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 17th with increment of 9%.
The progress reached 33% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 18th with increment of 9%.
Assuming if the increment stay at 9%, the progress will reach 96% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 25th
The progress reached 34% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 19th with increment of 1%.
The progress reached 35% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 20th with increment of 1%.
The progress reached 35% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 21st with no increment.
The progress reached 0% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 22nd with decrement of 35%.
The progress reached 4% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 23rd with increment of 4%.
The progress reached 12% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 24th with increment of 8%.
The progress reached 15% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 25th with increment of 3%.
The progress reached 24% at 00:00 (UTC+8) May 26th with increment of 9%.
It has been determined that all progress cycles in the order of 0, 4, 12, 15, 24, 33, 34, 35, 35

We piece the snippet together and got the full articles:

Note the upper right icon also appeared in phase 1 puzzle, the promotion letters here are DM, with the digit 01 below. We assume it’s the codename of Orcale.

Hourglass Binary

The width distribution of the stripe patterns hinted us it’s a barcode. Based on the start & end pattern we figured out it’s code49 barcode.

Based on the pieced together images, we carefully read out the code:

Then we can get the answer by decode the code: the unit width of black&white stripes. Though there aren’t any decoding tool for code 49 available on internet, we made a decoding tool based on code49 and released on Github.

Then we got the answer: OVERCONTACT BINARY.

Source: W Ursae Majoris variable - Wikipedia
Source: W Ursae Majoris variable - Wikipedia
End of Post